As a professional, I`ve researched and written about WestJet jumpseat agreements. WestJet is one of the largest airlines in Canada and has been in operation for over 25 years. The airline offers jumpseat agreements to pilots from other airlines, which allows them to ride in the cockpit during a flight as a non-paying passenger.

A jumpseat agreement is a mutually beneficial agreement between airlines that allows pilots to use each other`s aircraft to commute to work or return home after a long flight. The pilots do not have to pay for their flights, and the airlines benefit from the increased availability of experienced pilots.

WestJet has jumpseat agreements with most airlines in North America, including major carriers like Delta, American, and United. The agreements allow pilots from other airlines to ride in the cockpit of a WestJet flight as long as there is a vacant seat available. This helps both the pilots and the airlines save on travel expenses and ensures efficient use of cockpit space.

WestJet`s jumpseat agreements are an important part of the airline`s operations and safety protocols. The airline has strict policies around the use of its jumpseats to ensure that only qualified pilots are allowed in the cockpit. This ensures that all flights are safe and all pilots are properly vetted before being granted access to the cockpit.

In addition to the safety policies, WestJet also has procedures in place for pilots to request a jumpseat. Pilots must request a jumpseat through their airline`s dispatcher and provide their pilot`s license and identification to the WestJet crew. The pilot must also sign an agreement acknowledging the terms and conditions of the jumpseat agreement.

Overall, WestJet`s jumpseat agreements are an important part of the airline`s operations and safety protocols. The agreements allow pilots from other airlines to commute to work or return home after a long flight without having to pay for their flights. The policies and procedures in place ensure that only qualified pilots are allowed in the cockpit and that all flights are safe.