When Is a Contract Made Between a Buyer and a Seller? A Guide to Quizlet`s Legal Basics

Whether you`re a student learning about business law or a professional looking to refresh your understanding of the legal basics, knowing when a contract is made between a buyer and a seller is essential. As one of the leading learning platforms for students and professionals, Quizlet offers a range of resources to help you master this topic. In this article, we`ll explore the key concepts to keep in mind when it comes to contracts between buyers and sellers, and how Quizlet can help you learn more.

What Is a Contract?

A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms of a transaction or exchange. In most cases, a contract is made between a buyer and a seller when one party agrees to purchase goods or services from the other. Contracts can be written or oral, but it`s always best to have a written contract to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations.

When Is a Contract Made?

A contract is made when the following conditions are met:

1. Offer: One party makes an offer to another party. For example, a seller may offer to sell a car to a buyer for a certain price.

2. Acceptance: The other party accepts the offer. In the above example, the buyer would accept the offer by agreeing to purchase the car for the agreed-upon price.

3. Consideration: Both parties must exchange something of value in the transaction. In the car sale example, the consideration would be the car and the purchase price.

4. Intent: Both parties must have the intention to be bound by the terms of the contract. This means that they must understand that they are entering into a legal agreement and agree to be bound by its terms.

5. Capacity: Both parties must have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. This means that they must not be minors or mentally incapacitated.

Quizlet Resources

Quizlet provides a range of resources to help you master the legal basics of contracts between buyers and sellers. Here are some of the most useful resources:

1. Flashcards: Use Quizlet`s flashcards to memorize key terms and concepts related to contracts.

2. Quizzes: Take a quiz to test your knowledge of contract law and see how well you understand the material.

3. Study sets: Quizlet offers a range of study sets on contract law, covering everything from the basics to more advanced topics.

4. Practice tests: Take a practice test to see how you would perform on an actual test. This can help you identify areas where you need to study more.


Understanding when a contract is made between a buyer and a seller is essential for anyone involved in business or commerce. Quizlet offers a range of resources to help you master this topic, from flashcards to practice tests. By using Quizlet`s resources, you can improve your knowledge of contract law and become a more informed participant in the world of business.